Domestic Couples

(including Ibiza, Mallorca & Menorca)

Mary Poppins Services has been successfully placing Domestic Couples since the agency began, working with a wide range of clients in Marbella, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca, Sotogrande and Gibraltar and also in whole Europe, and specially in Switzerland, England Denmark and Mónaco.

We register a variety of Couples, who can cover a wide range of skills between them, forming an effective and efficient team. The majority of Couples are happy to multi-task and will cover tasks such as:

Some Couples are specialists and will provide a much more focused service and a specific combination of skills, such as Household Manager and Chef, or Butler and Housekeeper, or Gardener and Housekeeper.

Benefits of hiring a stay in domestic couple

Clients are discovering the ideal solution is to hire a professionally trained couple to take on an all-round role.  They offer the advantage of being close enough to work well as a team, the majority are married couples, and will support one another when faced with problems and challenges. Resident domestic couples are a real benefit when the family is away. They are able to take care of the gardening, pets and home security when you away and they can offer a very warm welcome when you return.

One of the overall benefits of hiring a Domestic Couple is that they are very likely to stay and work for one family on a long-term basis, which makes them very loyal and highly sought-after employees.

The responsibilities of a live-in couple can vary depending on the needs of the household. Generally speaking, these roles will see a combination of duties such as housekeeping, laundry, wardrobe management, grocery and errand running, chauffeuring, butler service, childcare, pet care, household management and the recruitment and management of other staff.

Call our team to discuss which are the best option for your family needs, we would be happy to help you.